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Changes for the better: cognitive stimulation therapy. A group training program with proven effectiveness for patients with dementia.
A guide for leading groups / E. Spektr, B. Woods, S. R. Stoner, M. Orel; scientific ed. trans. in Russian I.F. Roshchina, A.A. Shvedovskaya, M.V. Kalantarova, A.I. Khromov. 2nd ed. M: FGBOU IN MGPPU, 2023. 60 c.
About the Manual
"Making a Difference" is the manual for specialists who conduct group classes in the "Cognitive Stimulation Therapy" program in Russian. The program is a short-term group intervention with proven effectiveness aimed at the stimulation of the cognitive sphere in situations of cognitive decline. "Cognitive Stimulation Therapy" is included in the recommendations of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines for people with mild to moderate dementia in the UK (NICE, 2018) and is widely used in care practices for people with dementia in more than 38 countries around the world.
The authors of the manual are Aimee Spector, Charlotte R. Stoner, Bob Woods, Martin Orrell (UK).
Scientific editors of the Russian translation: I.F. Roschina, A.A. Shvedovskaya, M.V. Kalantarova A.I. Khromov.
The manual is intended for a wide range of specialists working with older adults and seniors.